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Experience the benefits of scale-free light commercial applications with the HydroFLOW® Pearl Plus.

Same innovative technology, new sleek design

HydroFLOW® Pearl Plus

The HydroFLOW® Pearl Plus is for use in low-pressure steam boilers, steam ovens and steam rooms and for humidifiers and evaporators. Protecting these appliances from limescale build-up and removing existing limescale can reduce maintenance and replacement costs and improve their efficiency.

The HydroFLOW® Pearl Plus fits around pipes of up to 41mm, is suitable for all types of pipe material and works independent of flow rate. The HydroFLOW® Pearl Plus is designed to offer a chemical-free alternative in addressing the effects of new and existing hard limescale encrustation.


New Limescale

Existing Limescale

Up to 41mm outside diameter


    Installation Video

    Real-time connectivity

    Take complete control over your HydroFLOW® ecosystem.